WORD camps are the best part of the school holidays! Each camp we will ride, learn and giggle...heaps!
There's a variety of camps on offer, so check out the age groups below to see which ones would be the most fun for your young person. All WORD camps are open to kids of all MTB skill abilities. We split into groups, so we can ride with mates of similar radness.
Places are limited, so get in quick!
If you're new to WORD camps, check out our website for how our holiday camps roll.
7-9 years old
26 January - Know Your Local - McLeans Forest
10-12 year olds
22 January - Van Camp - boys
23 & 24 January - Dirt Soul & LOLs: Surf + Ride - girls (10-14 year olds)
13-17 year olds
15 January - Adventure Ride - guys
22 January - Adventure Ride - girls
23 & 24 January - Dirt Soul & LOLs: Surf + Ride - girls (10-14 year olds)